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Lose Pounds Quick

How do I lose pounds quick?  That's the million dollar question.  For the most part, it’s not about losing pounds quickly but keeping those pounds off for good!

Let's begin with a diet that is high in protein but low in carbs.  A low carb diet, if done correctly, will put your body in a state of ketosis (fat burning metabolism). 

Stay away from sugar, flour anything refined.  Eat food the way your ancestors intended you to eat.  Such as steak with salad.  Bacon and eggs.  There is nothing added to these items.  Simple is better.

Sodas, cut them out!  Have you looked at the nutritional label lately on a bottle of pop?  Let me tell you, OMG!  Some of them have 28 grams of sugar and 20-30 grams of sodium per serving.  Let me remind you, a serving is 8 oz.  This equals one measuring cup.

Talk about water retention and not to mention all those liquid calories you're washing down your gullet.  Oh, I almost forgot the damage the sugar in sodas can damage your teeth.  Tooth decay, does soda still sound so irresistible?

Stay away from processed food.  The food industry puts all kinds of preservatives in the food to keep it edible.  What that means to you?   Sodium or in other words BLOATED!  Stick to eating small servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Drink a lot of water.  At least 8 glasses a day.  I know that sounds like a lot.  But you need the water to flush out the fat and toxins that are built up in your body from eating over processed food.  Water not only helps people lose weight.  It also helps skin appear healthier.  You will even feel more vibrant. 

Do you have a sweet tooth?  Most of the cakes, pastries, candies, etc... Have an enormous amount of fat and calories in each serving.  Don't think you can do without your chocolate fix?  Try eating a piece of dark chocolate.  It actually has healthy anti oxidants.

I am not a fan of the liquid diets but that is an option to consider.  Remember to drink shakes that are high in protein.  Throw in a few pieces of fruit to make a fruit smoothie.  Be sure to watch those calories though. 

There are quite a bit of options out there on how to lose pounds quick.   But most importantly be safe!  Make healthy life long diet decisions.  Like drink more water, cut down on sodas and sweets.  After all, it’s your body and you only get one. So treat yourself right.


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