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Marketing Your Video - 5 Minutes Of Quality

When it comes to that all important website traffic, it's important to use whatever tools you can online, and it gets easier all the time. With more and more tools available, and some of the older tools simply aren't working as well, you can get more qualified traffic for less money. Using videos to drive traffic is definitely a growing trend, but to get the most out of the process you may need help  marketing your video.

Of course, pretty much everyone has heard of YouTube and this is a great place to start. You can even get your own YouTube channel and have others follow you. This is a great way to establish yourself as a leader and someone that other's would benefit from following. 

Of course YouTube isn't the only show in town, there are hundreds of online video directories where you can upload your videos.  To make sure that your videos will actually accomplish for you what you want them to, make sure you take the time to make a quality video. Don't try and throw something together in a few minutes.

A quality video doesn't have to be professionally done. As a matter of fact a more personal approach usually works best. Having said that though, there are some things your video must have.

For one thing, it has to have decent video. If people can't see what you're doing or the video keeps breaking up, they'll stop watching and any advantage you may have had will be gone.

Secondly, the audio must be clear. Again, if the viewer can't hear or understand what is being said they will just click away.  It's not just about the quality of the microphone either, it's also about what you're saying and how you're saying it. Are you stuttering and stammering throughout the whole video?

If so that's a real turnoff. It's much better to redo sections of the video instead of sounding nervous or like you don't know what you're talking about. After all, the whole point here is to personalize the experience for the viewer and let them get to know you, if they don't like you it's not going to do much good, is it?

Don't make your video too long. Most online videos should be only an introduction and that means just a few minutes long. Usually around 5 minutes maximum is good. This isn't the place to teach them all your knowledge, in most cases they'll have to pay for that. This is the place you want to prove to them that you can help them. How? Simple, help them. Give them a short solution to some problem they are facing.

OK, so the video is decent quality: the audio, video and narration are clear, easy to follow and on target. Now what?

Well, now you need to use keywords to optimize your search engine rankings for your video. When you submit your video to video directories you will need to fill out a short from. That form will consist of title, description and tags. This is where you'll put the keywords that you've gathered for this niche. That way your video will get a top ranking for one or more of those keywords which means people will be able to find it when they do a search which is what  marketing your video is all about.


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